Book Three Synopsis


Howls on the Wind:

An Ancient Magic lingers from a Forgotten Era.
Wizards Reign & Terrorize with Godly Powers.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Highly Rated Series

A captivating world reminiscent of Game of Thrones and The Wheel of Time.
    Presumed dead, Rylin must survive amongst the winged bears of Sultrim.  Their inhuman intelligence exceeds his expectations as he discovers a complex society in the ancient mountaintop city.
    Back in Erotos, Queen Havorie searches for her mother’s killer. She has recruited Javic to aid her in this endeavor. The young wizard’s untapped potential makes him the most powerful Ver’ati in the city, but his training has been lackluster and their foes do not operate in the open.
    Meanwhile, Belford, still a kingdom away, races back to the queen to warn her of the Crimson Stalker’s intentions to end her life.
An epic tale of magic and mayhem spans a rich world brimming with danger.

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Howls on the Wind
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